Kampala International University
Kampala, UG
USAID Uganda
Kampala, UG
Research Collaborators
Navigating Stigma Against At-Risk Sexual and Gender Minority Populations to End the HIV Epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa (LGBT Health 2024).
In collaboration with the director of the Duke Global Health Institute, academic researchers at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern, and Uganda’s leading LGBTQ+ civil rights advocate, the GHSEN team presents strategies to safeguard HIV care for sexual and gender minorities amidst anti-homosexuality legislation in Uganda and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
Deadly Disease Outbreaks in Africa Underscore the need for U.S. WHO Membership (BMJ 2025).
In this article, GHSEN examines the consequences of the U.S. withdrawal from the WHO, emphasizing the crucial role the WHO plays in combatting infectious disease outbreaks, such as Marburg in Tanzania and the recent Ebola outbreak in Uganda. We caution that the U.S. withdrawal will weaken disease response efforts in Africa, generate global health security threats, and impede healthcare innovation, as evidenced by the WHO’s promotion of Ebola vaccine trials in Uganda.